
About Us

Dhawalagiri Agriculture & Bee Firm was established with an objective to promote beekeeping and honey marketing in Nepal as a private enterprise. Dhaulagiri Bee Concern started its beekeeping programme with few Apis cerana colonies but gradually shifted to Apis mellifera. At present, it has more than 1000 Apis mellifera and 500 Apis cerana colonies. The organization has catalytic and pivotal role in promotion

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Message From Director

Outside Bayer’s North Carolina headquarters this week, a beekeeper stood with 2.5 million dead bees — a symbol for the number of kills U.S. beekeepers face across the country annually — thanks in part to the bee-harming pesticides that Bayer and others manufacture.

History of honey !

Exactly how long honey has been in existence is hard to say because it has been around since as far back as we can record. Cave paintings in Spain from 7000BC show the earliest records of beekeeping, however, fossils of honey bees date back about 150 million years! Its 'magical' properties and versatility has given honey a significant part in history.  Read More [ + ]